Ours Robustly is a sanitation solution for developing countries like India to address the unavailability of facilities and loopholes of existing rural sanitation at a community level, i.e. poor sewage disposal, lack of maintenance, inadequate facilities, unwelcoming setups, etc.
Here, our strategy is to provide a Robust system in the form of a kit and guidelines for construction and resource management that are durable and low-maintenance systems designed for the Rural rugged use. Minimum resource utilization and maximum resource recovery can be ensured through this solution.
OURS attempts to incorporate local skills into the construction process, using locally available materials thus increasing a sense of ownership and livelihood development and ensuring the longevity of the facility.
Toilets here are not confined to sanitary needs but also become a place for commons that facilitate engagement, awareness, and gatherings at a community level. Spatially the screens, openings, and wall arrangement retain the sense of openness and that existed in the case of open defecation at the same time addressing the need for privacy.
An ideal location for these toilets would be in the vicinity of the settlement and its public spaces so that it can be used throughout the day.

Volume zero “The little Big Loo”
Jaspur, Baroda
Design Team:
Aksh Chauhan
Caleb Ferro
Naomy Parikh